Cranston Morgan – Principal Director, Revenue Protection Division, Ministry of Finance and the Public Service
When I saw the notice for the Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) in my inbox, I immediately signed up for the challenge. Yes, challenge – I had heard about the members of the first cohort and knew that the Programme would be one that required excellence through hard work. The major factor in my decision, however, was the fact that I was aware of my leadership shortcomings and wanted to improve. I am so delighted that I completed the Programme because I achieved my goal of improvement in the area of leadership, and made friendships and acquaintances along...
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Kevin Palmer – First Time Leaders Development Programme
I must admit that at first I had a preconceived notion that the First Time Leaders Development Programme being offered by MIND was going to be one of those generic versions being offered to young and aspiring leaders. I hastily retracted any such views when I engaged in FTDP. Unlike other courses which tend to focus on those being supervised, the areas covered by the FTDP were specific to the person in leadership. It prompted deep introspection; the kind which made you question all you thought you knew about yourself. It is this difference in approach to the topic of...
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Ava-Dawn Roberts – First Time Leaders Development Programme
The FTLD was not my first exposure to leadership training. I must say however, that the experience was a novel one based on the approach adopted in delivery. The focus on self and increasing awareness through the application of reflective exercises allowed me to put things into perspective, as well as identify other gaps I had in my learning and engagement. Additionally, I participated in the course at a time I was undergoing some difficulty when treating with a particular member of my team. The experience caused me to question my actions but the topics that dealt with coaching and...
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Ealan Powell – Asst Commissioner of Police
Julaine K. Robinson – Associates of Science Degree HRM
When I think of MIND one word captures how I feel…FAMILY! I had been out of the classroom since 2001 and knew I needed to go back. The fear of studying and the high cost of programmes were what kept me from starting. Attending MIND very literally erased those fears! I feel supremely blessed to have attended the institution at the time I did. I had THE BEST cohort hands down. We were never class mates; we were family. We laughed, cried, disagreed, teased and supported each other. I cannot imagine that any other institution engenders that is kind camaraderie. This didn’t...
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Janet McConnell – Human and Mission Resource Manager
In 2014 I was given the task of leading the human and mission resources unit of my organization. Our human resource management requirement was not conventional, but a hybrid to meet the peculiarities of the organization and leveraging on traditional human resources functions and best practices, hence, it was a unique challenge. At the time, I had a master’s degree in leadership and experience in management but did not have all the human resource skill sets for the deliverables. Therefore, I needed to identify a reputable, accredited human resource management programme of relatively short duration, which could equip me. I...
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Kester Bailey – Application Processing Coordinator, National Environment Planning Agency
Sometime in 2014/2015 I was afforded the opportunity to pursue a postgraduate diploma at the MIND. That experience has definitely left an indelible mark on my life and I wish to hereby share a few thoughts that have lingered. First, I wish to emphasize that the programme was so structured to keep the adult learner engaged and allowed for partnership and experience-based learning. Sharing was key and the classes took the true form of facilitation and sharing from trained industry professionals who brought their real life experiences to bear in the elucidation of the curriculum material. It was also noteworthy...
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Ambassador Shelia Sealy Monteith – Jamaica Ambassador to Belgium
The Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) was fashioned to introduce senior leaders in the public service to principles and practices that will inure to the achievement of the objectives of transformation. Most notable in my estimation, is the urgency it has instilled to harness the opportunities which currently exist to move towards that end. In bringing together such diverse cross-section of senior public servants, we were able to establish a commonality of interests based on similarities in background and orientation, as well as in our Vision of the Future Public service. Throughout the programme we were introduced to...
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