In January 2017, the Agency in partnership with the Office of the Cabinet and the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Procurement and Asset Management Unit, commenced the process for the establishment of a National Public Procurement Centre at MIND.

The National Public Procurement Centre (NPPC), will serve to build the requisite procurement capacity and capabilities across the public service. Public officers at all levels within the procurement function will acquire and improve their knowledge base, skills and competencies related to their levels and roles. This will ensure overall sustainability of a sound and efficient public procurement framework, in keeping with the standardization and alignment of GoJ’s policies, standards and procurement guidelines with international best practices. Capacity building activities will thus serve to facilitate a career pathway and progression for the public procurement profession. It is envisaged that over the 2019-2022 strategic cycle, the NPPC will become fully augmented into MIND’s operations, staffed with the requisite personnel having the appropriate procurement, planning, administrative and organizational skills to ensure that the programmes are delivered in an efficient manner.