Julaine K. Robinson – Associates of Science Degree HRM

When I think of MIND one word captures how I feel…FAMILY! I had been out of the classroom since 2001 and knew I needed to go back. The fear of studying and the high cost of programmes were what kept me from starting. Attending MIND very literally erased those fears! I feel supremely blessed to have attended the institution at the time I did. I had THE BEST cohort hands down. 

We were never class mates; we were family. We laughed, cried, disagreed, teased and supported each other. I cannot imagine that any other institution engenders that is kind camaraderie. This didn’t only exist with the learners. The facilitators were exemplary. They made us feel comfortable, we could achieve anything.  I often felt like they believed in me more than I believed in myself. I could begin to call names, but I’m certain I would get in trouble. Being at MIND made it comfortable and fun to study especially for someone like me who never considered herself a scholar!

MIND also made the course affordable. My husband, Dave, and I could afford to study at the same time, because we had an interest free payment arrangement that made it much easier to afford.

With MIND’s Pay-As-You-Learn option, fees could be paid in monthly installments. In addition, the same course with any other institution would have required almost J$100,000.00 more.  I can confirm that the standard and quality education received at MIND is outstanding.