Ambassador Shelia Sealy Monteith – Jamaica Ambassador to Belgium

The Public Sector Senior Leadership Development Programme (PSSLDP) was fashioned to introduce senior leaders in the public service to principles and practices that will inure to the achievement of the objectives of transformation.  Most notable in my estimation, is the urgency it has instilled to harness the opportunities which currently exist to move towards that end.

In bringing together such diverse cross-section of senior public servants, we were able to establish a commonality of interests based on similarities in background and orientation, as well as in our Vision of the Future Public service.  Throughout the programme we were introduced to a rather expansive toolkit of options and approaches for our personal professional development, as well as positively influencing our direct reports and strengthening the relations various players at other levels in the work environment, including the political directorate.

The PSSLDP has distinguished itself by facilitating partnerships among colleagues and leaders in a manner that has already borne fruit in the exchanges and support in ways that have been helpful to our respective responsibilities.  I am also gratified that there exists another level of support on which we can readily call from among partners/facilitators at the MIND.

I am reminded of the phrase attributed to Justice Wendell Holmes, former US Supreme Court Justice, that “A mind that has been stretched by a new experience can never go back to its original dimension”   I believe that all of us participants and facilitators alike, may well be able to stake such a claim in the value of the PSSLDP experience.