Workers Invited to MIND Workshop

Jamaica Information Service (JIS)

Employees in the public and private sectors are invited to enroll in the Management Institute for National Development (MIND) State Protocol and Business Etiquette workshop, scheduled to take place June 28 to July 6 at the MIND Campus, Old Hope Road.

The workshop is aimed at equipping the participants with the necessary skills and confidence to express appropriate behaviours and decorum regarding State Protocol and related etiquette. Speaking with JIS News, Marketing Manager at MIND, Shawnette Henry, said that persons whose job functions require high levels of social engagement and interaction, and persons who are interested in becoming knowledgeable of the rules that govern State Protocol and Social Etiquette are encouraged to attend the workshop.

“Oganizations will benefit because a professionally confident and socially skilled corps of executives will represent their organizations with distinction on all occasions, while individuals will benefit from an increased level of confidence in deportment which enable ease of manner when socializing during formal and informal occasions,” Ms. Henry said.

Some of the key areas that the seminar will cover under State Protocol are: introduction to modern protocol and how it evolved; protocol, etiquette and diplomacy defined; styles and titles in Jamaica; the official table of precedence; protocol on official occasions; official forms of address; flag etiquette; national symbols; national crowns and honours; precedence for post-nominal letters and formal letter of invitation.

Meanwhile, under Business Etiquette, participants will be exposed to training in areas such as effective business entertaining; host, hostess and guest duties; silverware savvy, navigating the place setting, body language at the table, handling accidents, napkin etiquette, seating etiquette, eating various foods, toasting, forms of service, table conversation, styles of eating, types of meals and wines, the do’s and dont’s of dining.

The course will be offered on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30