New Policy a Game-Changer for Public Sector Professional Development

Jamaica Information Service
Cabinet Secretary, Audrey Sewell, has hailed the new Public Sector Learning and Development Policy as a transformative framework that will reshape public service in Jamaica.
“It is a script for change and will ensure that public-sector professionals are equipped with the skills, behaviours and values necessary to move Jamaica forward,” she said.
“This policy empowers us to build a service-focused learning culture that meets the needs of customers, the citizens of Jamaica. As Cabinet Secretary, I am fully invested in the success of this policy… this is not just a mandate, it’s a personal mission,” she added.
Mrs. Sewell was addressing the launch of the document on Friday (January 31), at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.
Spearheaded by the Management Institute of National Development (MIND), and approved by Cabinet on February 6, 2023, the policy is a clear set of guidelines for professional development in the public sector.
It is built on the understanding that building the capability of the public-sector workforce is central to organisational performance and thus necessitates a systematic approach to learning and development.
The policy is the result of a collaborative effort among several public-sector organisations, including MIND, Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, the Office of the Services Commission, and trade unions.
Under the policy, public-sector workers will benefit from a streamlined and coordinated approach for public service learning and development, which involves systematically mapping learning pathways, building the required competencies, and developing the necessary skill set for a transformed public sector.
Chief Executive Officer of MIND, Dr. Ruby Brown, said the policy speaks to public officers having exposure to learning and development at a minimum of 30 hours per year.
“So, it means, therefore, that training and development… will be part and parcel of how one grows and thrives in order to deliver service,” she noted.
Under the new policy, MIND has launched the Public Sector Learning and Development Portal, which is an online platform that provides public servants with access to the Government’s competency framework model.
It outlines the specific competencies required for public servants across all levels and professional groups.
The Portal aims to facilitate structured professional development in alignment with the Government’s strategic goals as well as the Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan.