Course Name:
Risk, Crisis and Disaster Mitigation and Management
Course Location:
Kingston Campus
Course Fee:
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Course Delivery Mode:
Course Award:
Certificate of Achievement
Course Description:
The dynamism of the global environment has influenced an increase in the severity and diversity of risks and crisis. This course will equip participants with the knowledge, skills and techniques to identify, quantify, mitigate and manage risks. It will introduce participants to a wide range of theoretical perspectives on and practical issues in risk management through the exploration of natural, technological health and terrorist-related and other risks including hurricanes, earthquakes, air crashes, and terrorism to public health incidents such as pandemics. The course gives participants the knowledge, skills and confidence to analyse the world of risk dispassionately and constructively. This course will simulate a real-life disaster and give participants the opportunity to manage the crisis as it unfolds and experience first hand, the challenges of emergency response, while gaining an appreciation of the need for proactive planning, implementation and maintenance.
Course Requirements:
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Target Group: