Kevin Palmer – First Time Leaders Development Programme

I must admit that at first I had a preconceived notion that the First Time Leaders Development Programme being offered by MIND was going to be one of those generic versions being offered to young and aspiring leaders. I hastily retracted any such views when I engaged in FTDP.

Unlike other courses which tend to focus on those being supervised, the areas covered by the FTDP were specific to the person in leadership. It prompted deep introspection; the kind which made you question all you thought you knew about yourself. It is this difference in approach to the topic of leadership which made me really appreciate FTDP.

For my part I have already begun to practice some of what I learned. I have utilised coaching a lot and have found the results so far to be encouraging. I thank the presenters from MIND who I believe are real experts in their field.


– Kevin Palmer –

Principal Probation Aftercare Officer (Acting)

Department of Correctional Services Jamaica